• Currently works well in Firefox and Chrome, and who knows about IE.
  • Intended to be for those that need a sophisticated client-side tool to help prepare cropping. I have three personal uses: online store (30,000+ products), cropping 70,000 definitions from 1828 Webster Dictionary (2000 pages of test) [login required], and spell-checking text OCR'd with tesseract.
  • Historically, I have used Jcrop (a nice tool), but stale development. I have also tried jquery cropper but this tool has serious math-errors, nice visuals though!
  • The goal was to create a simple tool for mouse-only use (one handed work when necessary), but also enable short-cut keys for precision, and data-entry text fields.
  • The console for the cropMe tool has all of these features, so you can use it to prepare the crop dimensions and not have to build the necessary features.
  • Some of the features are derived from Adobe products (Fit from PDF, and the Crop Features of PhotoShop).
  • The console has a "window.status" feature - homage to the old-school developers.
  • I choose "font-awesome" as the current icon set for the control panel.
  • Clicking with Cntrl-, Shift-, and Alt- will change the granularity of the crop-box adjustments. [Most bindings are to window.event if the element is in focus (defined by mouseover)]
  • Multiple instances probably work, but why?
  • We are cropping an image, so if the crop box is "out of bounds", it will automatically snap-to an edge of the image, or die.
  • "Esc" let's you return to the crop-mode (having issues with multiple KEYDOWN bindings, but appears to work as expected in FireFox and Chrome - appears to create some issues).
  • All internal functions are accessible. Most elements are detached with a unique MD5 string (myID).